GTA 4 Direct Download – Download in Parts – Single Link Download – TheFIlesLocker – Torrent/uTorrent Download
Type of game: Open World Game
PC Release Date: April 29, 2008
Developer/Publishers: Rockstar North, Rockstar Toronto / Rockstar Games
GTA 4 is a popular open world game, one of the most popular game of all time. In this game you have to do what you want to do, drive new cars, tank, bikes bots and thousand of vehicles.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 @ 2.4 GHz
- RAM: 2 GB
- Hard Drive: 16 GB free
- Video Memory: 256 MB
- Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1900
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Keyboard and Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive

How to Install?
- Extract the file using Winrar. (Download Winrar)
- Open “GTA IV” folder, double click on “Setup” and install it.
- After installation complete, go to the folder where you install the game.
- Open folder, double click on “GTAIV” icon to play the game. Done!
Watch Installation Video
How to Download?
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just Click Here!
Grand Theft Auto IV Download
Download in 4.5GB Parts
Click Here
Download in 600MB Parts
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Download in Single Link
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You can also BUY this game from official website
Buy Now
Total Game Size: 8.57 GB
Password: www.apunkagames.net or apunkagames
It have some issue
What issue?
Error 2000
Install bhi pura nhi hota
install microsoft visual c++ all versions
Can you please note visual c++ versions plz?
Does this work? cause i’m putting all of my data in this
and so many efforts
please tell me
it will work bro,
finnaly it works without any errors, bro thank u very much. i will download every games of yours.
Can You plz note the version of visual c++ versions that we need to install in this game Please…
All versions
yes it needs 2008
Gta 4 game run in my computer
Version ?
i wish i had a goodd connection
I’m not getting 13th file.
No poblem got it
2000 error
install microsoft visual c++ all versions
how i do it
Does the cutscenes sounds work? Please
Dear, ApunKaGames
GTA 4 600MB Part 14th Not Extract.
Extracting Has Been Stopped On Part 14.
”GTA IV + Multiplayer nosTEAM.part2” Is Not Extarcting Complete
Please Fix 600MB Part 14 Please.
Are the cutscenes having sounds? Please
please solve this problem
please help having same issue error 2000
install microsoft visual c++ all versions
after installing all visual c++ it starts but just keep stop on loading screen please help
Your computer can’t handle the game I think. The same happened to me but in my cousins computer ,it worked
What’s your pc specs
Bro please once have installed it then what next, will the game play if I click on it
single download link not working and 4 gig part 3 not working
plz fix
the screen is drunk ??
after installing all visual c++ it starts but just keep stop on loading screen
How to install the parts please?
bro game just stops on loading screen what should i do please help
bro please tell me how to unistall this game
whats the total size of the original game?
Plz is this game working properly
THIS file is expired plz update it again
AS OF 17 DEC 2021.
Does game work in windows 10
yes maam
Bro which version of GTA 4 have?
You can watch it on youtube becuz its a long method and i cant explain it here
Drunk camera. File don’t fix it, just on little time.
does it work in any way without doing any additional task , i am having high end pc with 6gb graphic card???
What is a game version. ???
after extraction i dont have part 1
it says that iam missing nosteam part 3 rar.and the game wont install what should i do.
game works, thanks
do single link works ??
This game works in windows 7 Intel Pentium processor Ram 2GB
This GTA 4 which is uploaded is “the complete edition” or the old version.
getting error:seculaucher:failed to start application.[2000]
install microsoft visual C++ all versions
this game work on my pc thanks apunkagames admin respect for you
bro i don’t get setup file
i downloaded all 3 parts of 4.5gb
please help
disable antiivrus and extract again
link not working
it have part 4 actually but it is corrupt plz help
I have GTA 4 part 3 and part 3-1 which one is part 1
while installing i get the massage “Windows cannot find ‘Visit-nostream-forum.html’. Make sure you typed the name correctly. please guide me how to fix
Me too I have this problem after part 4 extracting
Apunkagames all 600mb part are working I want to download it please check and reply please ? I want to download ….
I downloaded c++ from someone’s link in the comments then tried to launch the game but it didnt work and showed ‘seclauncher: failed to launch game error 2000’ and when i installed the game it said that “Windows cannot find ‘Visit-nostream-forum.html” so pls help
I have installed the game and it also works but in game only cars and traffics lights appears and there is ocean instead of the building…what should I do?
Bro which part do you install 4gb or 600mb parts?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC4tQOmmSr8 this video might explain ur problem
bro will it work on my Intel corei3 2.4GHz
6Gb of DDr3 ram and Intel Hd 3000 Graphics
and All part of the game (4.5GB parts) are working perfectly fine?
Plz is this game working properly
I have 2.40GHz and ram4 can I run gta 4
Yes you can, exactly my PC spec, just make sure all the files are downloaded completely.
Had no troubles running it, downloaded by 600mb part, thanks am so happy.
windows cant find ‘visit-nosteam-forum.html’
error occur, what can i do for this ??
nothing to worry about, just launch the game it will work
bro after installing visual c+++ it dosent work tried too many times still
Game is running fine but I can’t decrease the graphics.
bro… the downloading speed is too slow whereas my wifi connection is 100mbps plzz help bro…
gta 4 with out Video Card
What is the full size of game after comlete install (4.5Gb Parts)??
Because I encountered an error during installation “make sure you typed name correctly…”
Bro update link it has been banned
I can’t hinder any of graphics setting please help im stuck on lowest quality while i have i5 1400f rx6600
is this work on window 10
Link has expired please update it
Bro you tube delete u r video I am download game 12gb but how to install game ? porblem plz upload new video ?
Send me personally video
Mail – gajanangore0707@gmail.com
This mail id plz bro ?
Gta iv
After the dust off mission quality of video went down even tho in settings it’s 1280×720 but it feels like 360p pls help can’t even find on youtube
Please share install prosess video
i downloaded this game on 4.5 gb parts and it says there is no data 1 pls fix it
It says site is down.
i download this game in 4.5gb parts and there is no data 1 pls fix this
In the single link there is only 1 file of 5gb where is the rest?!?
I am also getting it
What happened after you unzipped it and strated installing?
I am getting error of visit-nosteam-forum.html error at the end of installation. Please help me ?
Will you add Comeplate Edition?
Please re-upload GTA IV
Google drive (single link)
Please provide how to installed video
baixei esse e unico link 5GB, mas quer a parte 2 como?
Yes how I do
The game is stuck on loading screen, what should i do?
Hey where is part 2 of single link
bro in the single link PART 2 is not extracting.
How to get games for windows online product key?
because i have intalled episodes from liberty city too. They need to be registered in games for online to save our games. So please tell me how can i get the key? Thanks.
download speed is too slow why?
Bor the game is installed and Start but just keep stop on loading screen why?
it is original?
Part 3 link is not working please fix